Fundraising Calendar

St. Helen Catholic School 2022-2023 Fundraisers

2024-2025 Fundraising Calendar

SHCS Fundraising Opportunities

MonthFundraiser% Allocation Toward Family Fundraiser CommitmentGoal*
Open All YearSHCS Spirit Store ItemsNo allocationMarketing
Open All Year28th Annual Gala Apr. 26, 2025100% of ticket sales and sponsorshipsSchool Resources
AugustNJHS Rain Jacket SaleNo allocationNJHS Expenses
AugustUsed Uniform SaleNo allocationH.S.A.
SeptemberFall Casual Dress Sale100% allocationCatholic Identity
SeptemberSHCS Raffle100% ticket purchaseMarketing/The Fund for SHCS
SeptemberOutdoor Movie Night100% of total purchaseH.S.A.
OctoberGolf Tournament
Oct. 26, 2024
Sponsorship AllocationAthletics & P.E.
October8th grade RRW Bake SaleNo allocation8th grade Graduation
NovemberHoliday Ham Sale$10 from each hamField Days/ P.E./ Athletics
NovemberBook FairNo allocationResource Room/Library
DecemberGiving Tuesday Pledge 100% allocationThe Fund for SHCS
DecemberGift Card CafeVarious % based on merchantsThe Fund for SHCS
DecemberPJ's & Pictures100% allocation8th grade Graduation
JanuaryUsed Uniform SaleNo allocation8th grade Scholarship
JanuarySt. Sebastian Punch-It BoardNo allocationSteps 4 Students Fund
JanuaryBBQ & Bingo Ticket allocation TBDH.S.A.
FebruarySteps 4 Students- Virtual Event 5K100% DonationsS4S Fund- Athletics/P.E./AFA
MarchSpring Book FairNo allocationResource room/Library
MarchSpring Casual Dress Week Sale100% allocationSchool & Classroom Technology
MarchCookie Dough SaleTBDStaff Appreciation
April13th Annual Golf Tournament50% of SponsorshipAthletics
April Easter Bunny Pictures100% allocation8th grade graduation
April28th Annual Gala100% total ticket sales & sponsorshipSchool Resources
AprilEaster Bunny pcitures100% allocation8th grade grad./ Athletics
MayThe Fund Casual Dress Week100% allocationFund for SHCS

Spirit Nights

Once per school month fundraiser held at various local restaurants in Pearland. Please come share in fellowship and show your school spirit!


The school administration has sole discretion to use and manage all funds earned through sponsored fundraisers. Stated goals may be adjusted according to need.